Yoga Immersion

Interested in deepening your yoga practice?

Yoga Immersion is offered in-person and virtually. It is available as continuing education credits through Yoga Alliance.


At Love Yoga Studio, we offer a variety of Yoga Immersion programs to help you explore the various forms of practice within the yogic tradition.


These programs are immersive experiences in the teachings and practice of yoga. Each yoga immersion program gives you two hours of yoga philosophy discussion, journaling and a physical practice per week. These programs are open to both teachers and non-teachers. All yoga immersion programs run for 12 consecutive weeks and are in the evenings from 7pm-9pm EST.


  • Yoga Immersion - Upanishads

    TUESDAYS 3.11.25-5.27.25

    Each class includes the joys of a book club on the Upanishads along with a hatha yoga class.

    The Inner Ruler

    Death as Teacher

    The Forest of Wisdom

    Sacred Song

    The Faces of God

    Modes of Knowing

    Consciousness & Its Phases

    Who Moves the World?

    The Breath of Life

    Ascent to Joy

    The Unity of Life

    Beads of Wisdom

    The Upanishads Yoga Immersion program is a 12-week immersive experience, in-studio, that combines the joys of a yoga book club with the benefits of a consistent hatha yoga practice. Over the course of the three month yoga immersion experience, we will read, process and reflect on the eleven principle short stories of the Upanishads, as well as four of the minor short stories of the Upanishads.

  • Yoga Immersion - Breathwork

    WEDNESDAYS 3.12.25-5.28.25

    [This YI is virtual]

    Each class includes a breathwork exploration, discussion, journaling and a breathwork-centered vinyasa flow class.

    History of Yoga & Parts of the Breath

    Purpose of the Breath Parts

    Introduction to Prana

    Prana & The Upanishads

    5 Types of Prana

    The Meaning of OM

    Prana & the Panchamaya Kosha System - Part 1

    Prana & the Panchamaya Kosha System - Part 2

    Introduction to Pranayama - Part 1

    Introduction to Pranayama - Part 2

    The Breath & Emotional Regulation

    Pranayama Off the Mat

    The Breathwork (Pranayama) Yoga Immersion program is a 12-week immersive experience, in-studio, that focuses on the third limb of yoga, breath control. Students will be introduced to the philosophical significance of the breath, learn the parts of the breath as well as the benefits to cultivating a pranayama practice. The first part of each two hour class will explore the connection between social justice and the practice of yoga, followed by the practice of a specific breathwork technique. The second part of the session will be a vinyasa yoga class.

  • Yoga Immersion - Koshas

    THURSDAYS 3.13.25-5.29.25

    Each class includes an exploration of the Kosha through the lens of their spiritual formations, supportive practices and their connection to the niyamas. Class ends with a yin yoga practice.

    Introduction to the Koshas

    1st Kosha - Part 1

    1st Kosha - Part 2

    2nd Kosha - Part 1

    2nd Kosha - Part 2

    3rd Kosha - Part 1

    3rd Kosha - Part 2

    4th Kosha - Part 1

    4th Kosha - Part 2

    5th Kosha - Part 1

    5th Kosha - Part 2

    Exploring All Five Koshas

    The Koshas Yoga Immersion program is a 12-week immersive experience, in-studio, that focuses on the exploration of the Panchamaya Kosha system and practice of a yin yoga class. Over the course of the three month yoga immersion experience, we will explore this system that makes up the human experience and interpenetrates the physical body. The form, function, composition and supportive practices for each of the five Koshas will be discussed and connected journaling prompts will be provided.


  • Yoga Immersion - Chakras

    TUESDAYS June-August

    Each class includes a vinyasa flow practice & discussion.

    Introduction to the Chakra System

    Root Chakra - Part 1

    Root Chakra - Part 2

    Sacral Chakra - Part 1

    Sacral Chakra - Part 2

    Solar Plexus Chakra

    Heart Chakra - Part 1

    Heart Chakra - Part 2

    Throat Chakra - Part 1

    Throat Chakra - Part 2

    ​Third Eye Chakra

    Crown Chakra

    The Chakra Yoga Immersion program is a 12-week immersive experience, in-studio, that offers a deep exploration into the 7 energy centers including the Root, Sacral, Solar Plexus, Heart, Throat, Third Eye and Crown chakras. The Hatha asana (pose) practice will focus on one of the chakras each session and include both chakra-specific affirmations and meditations.

  • Yoga Immersion - Koshas

    WEDNESDAYS June-August

    [This YI is Virtual]

    Each class includes a slow vinyasa yoga practice & discussion.

    Introduction to the Koshas

    1st Kosha - Part 1

    1st Kosha - Part 2

    2nd Kosha - Part 1

    2nd Kosha - Part 2

    3rd Kosha - Part 1

    3rd Kosha - Part 2

    4th Kosha - Part 1

    4th Kosha - Part 2

    5th Kosha - Part 1

    5th Kosha - Part 2

    Exploring All Five Koshas

    The Koshas Yoga Immersion program is a 12-week immersive experience, in-studio, that focuses on the exploration of the Panchamaya Kosha system and practice of a slow vinyasa yoga class. Over the course of the three month yoga immersion experience, we will explore this system that makes up the human experience and interpenetrates the physical body. The form, function, composition and supportive practices for each of the five Koshas will be discussed and connected journaling prompts will be provided.

  • Yoga Immersion - Yamas & Niyamas

    THURSDAYS June-August

    Each class includes a hatha yoga practice & discussion.

    Overview of the Yamas & Niyamas

    Yama #1

    Yama #2

    Yama #3

    Yama #4

    Yama #5

    Niyama #1

    Niyama #2

    Niyama #3

    Niyama #4

    Niyama #5

    Living Your Yoga

    The Yamas & Niyamas Yoga Immersion program is a 12-week immersive experience, in-studio, that focuses on the first and second limbs of yoga; moral restraints (yamas) and rules of conduct (niyamas). This course combines the joys of a yoga book club with the benefits of a consistent yoga practice. Each practice will include a discussion of one of the five yamas or one of the five niyamas followed by a hatha yoga practice.

FALL 2025

  • Yoga Immersion - 8 Limbs

    TUESDAYS September-November

    Each class includes a restorative yoga practice & discussion.

    What is Yoga?

    History of Yoga

    Language of Yoga

    Energetic Body & Yoga

    1st Limb of Yoga

    2nd Limb of Yoga

    3rd Limb of Yoga

    4th Limb of Yoga

    5th Limb of Yoga

    6th Limb of Yoga

    7th Limb of Yoga

    8th Limb of Yoga

    The 8 Limbs of Yoga, immersion program is a 12-week immersive experience, in-studio, that focuses on the exploration of the eight components of a yoga practice, including the moral restraints (yamas), rules of conduct (niyamas), poses (asanas), breathwork (pranayama), centering/drawing inward (pratyahara), concentration (dharana), meditation (dhyana) and enlightenment (samadhi). Each practice will include a discussion about the topic for that day followed by a restorative yoga practice.

  • Yoga Immersion - Chakras

    WEDNESDAYS September-November

    [This YI is Virtual]

    Each class includes a vinyasa flow practice & discussion.

    Introduction to the Chakra System

    Root Chakra - Part 1

    Root Chakra - Part 2

    Sacral Chakra - Part 1

    Sacral Chakra - Part 2

    Solar Plexus Chakra

    Heart Chakra - Part 1

    Heart Chakra - Part 2

    Throat Chakra - Part 1

    Throat Chakra - Part 2

    ​Third Eye Chakra

    Crown Chakra

    The Chakra Yoga Immersion program is a 12-week immersive experience, in-studio, that offers a deep exploration into the 7 energy centers including the Root, Sacral, Solar Plexus, Heart, Throat, Third Eye and Crown chakras. The vinyasa flow practice will focus on one of the chakras each session and include both chakra-specific affirmations and meditations.

  • Yoga Immersion - Breathwork

    THURSDAYS September-November

    Each class includes a yin yoga practice, a breathwork exploration and social justice in yoga discussion.

    History of Yoga & Parts of the Breath

    Purpose of the Breath Parts

    Introduction to Prana

    Prana & The Upanishads

    5 Types of Prana

    The Meaning of OM

    Prana & the Panchamaya Kosha System - Part 1

    Prana & the Panchamaya Kosha System - Part 2

    Introduction to Pranayama - Part 1

    Introduction to Pranayama - Part 2

    The Breath & Emotional Regulation

    Pranayama Off the Mat

    The Breathwork (Pranayama) Yoga Immersion program is a 12-week immersive experience, in-studio, that focuses on the third limb of yoga, breath control. Students will be introduced to the philosophical significance of the breath, learn the parts of the breath as well as the benefits to cultivating a pranayama practice. The first part of each two hour session will explore the connection between social justice and the practice of yoga, followed by the practice of a specific breathwork technique. The second part of the session will be a yin yoga class.

WINTER 2025-2026

  • Yoga Immersion - Yoga Sutras

    TUESDAYS Dec 2025-Feb 2026

    Each class includes a restorative yoga practice, a book club on the Sutras and a social justice in yoga discussion.

    Introduction to the Yoga Sutras

    Practice/Sadhana & It's Obstacles

    Consciousness, Choice & Commitment

    Samskaras, Ego, Cravings, Emotions

    Mental Modifications & Thought Waves

    Attachment & Its Roots

    Human Nature



    Purpose of Life

    Meditation & Absorption

    ​Living Your Yoga

    The Yoga Sutras Yoga Immersion program is a 12-week immersive experience, in-studio, that combines the joys of a yoga book club with the benefits of a consistent restorative yoga practice. Over the course of the three month program, we will read, process and reflect on the yoga sutras based on common themes such as Human Nature, Self-Realization and Purpose of Life. In addition, we will explore the idea of rest as a social justice tool and active act of resistance.

  • Yoga Immersion - Yoga Nidra

    WEDNESDAYS Dec 2025-Feb 2026

    [This YI is virtual]

    Each class includes a gentle yoga practice, yoga nidra, journaling & discussion.

    Understanding the Panchamaya Kosha System & Yoga Nidra

    The Importance of Pratyahara - The 5th Limb of Yoga

    Introduction to the Practice of Yoga Nidra

    History of Yoga Nidra as a Practice

    The Theory of Yoga Nidra Practice

    Understanding the Parts of the Yoga Nidra Practice

    Yoga Nidra as a State of Consciousness

    The Goddess Yoga Nidra

    Carving Out Time for Yoga Nidra

    Developing a Personal Yoga Nidra Practice

    Supporting Your Relaxation in Yoga Nidra

    Yoga Nidra for Collective Liberation

    The Yoga Nidra Yoga Immersion program is a virtual 12-week immersive experience that explores the practice of yoga nidra. There are many physical, mental and energetic benefits to practicing yoga nidra. The practice of yoga nidra is a practice of yogic sleep that will guide you to a state of consciousness between wakefulness and sleeping. Each two hour session will begin with a reading, discussion and journaling reflection on yoga nidra, followed by 20 minutes of gentle yoga and ending with a 35-40 minute yoga nidra practice.

  • Yoga Immersion - Meditation

    THURSDAYS Dec 2025-Feb 2026

    Each class includes a discussion on meditation, a guided meditation practice, journaling and a yin yoga class.

    Introduction to Meditation - Part 1

    Introduction to Meditation - Part 2

    The Path to Meditation - Part 1

    The Path to Meditation - Part 2

    Types of Meditation - Part 1

    Types of Meditation - Part 2

    Developing a Personal Practice - Part 1

    Developing a Personal Practice - Part 2

    Significance of a Meditation Practice - Part 1

    Significance of a Meditation Practice - Part 2

    Meditation in the 21st Century - Part 1

    Meditation in the 21st Century - Part 2

    The Meditation Yoga Immersion program is a 12-week immersive experience, in-studio, that combines the exploration of meditation with the benefits of a consistent yoga practice as well as explores the connection between social justice and the practice of yoga and meditation. Each week we will experience a liberation-centered guided meditation practice. The second half of the session is a yin yoga class.